Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Still Plugging Along

I'm still plugging along the Keto path.  I think.  I can't say that I am really losing all that much, but it seems more downward than upwards and that's a positive thing because I was only upwards.  I've still avoided bread, popcorn, potatoes, pasta and the like.  I did mess up a little bit on a recent trip my husband and I took where I had some corn tortilla chips with salsa.  That was a bit of guilt,  but I don't think it hurt too much and overall I have been very much vigilant about my food choices.  Probably my biggest failing has been nuts and cheese.  Nuts in particular.  Also beef jerky.  But, I allow it anyway and figure it's just the choice I make that is somewhat better than the heavy carb things I was eating before.  I started around 193 in March, and here at the end of April I am around 180.  I'd still like to be comfortably into the 170's before my 18 month doctor appointment on May 29th.  I still think it's doable.  I wish it was more than doable and I could lose another 10 pounds by then,  but realistically I don't think that's going to happen.

My son and his family have moved in with us temporarily and this is only the 3rd or 4th day they have been here,  but I do find that I am not as apt to snack in the evening because they are here.  I have been eating my dinner as planned and then not going back to rummage around the fridge or pantry.  Since that is my danger time, it's got to be a positive thing.  I guess time will tell if that continues or not.  But for now, I think its good.

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