Monday, April 10, 2017

Obese to Overweight

It's been some time since I last updated here at my blog.  Things are going fine, if not very slow.  I haven't had a significant loss of weight in awhile, although I am still losing weight, so thats good.  What I believe is my biggest obstacle is me.  I have been allowing myself too many treats.  Even if the treats are sugar free they are not calorie free and make me want other things that aren't very good for me.  I also have allowed myself a little bread here and there, and potatoes.  I am not cooking these things and preparing them myself, but if at a restaurant, it's a side item to my meal, I have been allowing myself the opportunity.  Is any of this OK?  No, it's not.  It snuck up on me rather slowly, a little this and that and then finding out my system seems to handle it fine, I have it again and again.  Anyway, I am sure this is affecting my weight loss.  It's time to get it under control.  I am at 5 months now and almost 1/2 way through my losing weight window, so I can't give it up now!

But, one really exciting thing that happened about a week ago is here.  No longer is my BMI considered to be obese, but has moved to Overweight!  It's funny to be happy about being overweight, but considering the's fantastic.

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