The day has come where I will finally meet the weight loss surgeon. I have not an inkling on what to expect at this appointment other than maybe some vitals and then speak with the insurance specialist to start my paper work. The unknown is always a bit scary, but I am trying my best to be brave.
Day Two was just completed on my Couch to 5K challenge. It wasn't easy. I can't imagine what it will be like when it really starts kicking my butt. Although, at this moment, with sweat dripping down my neck, I can't imagine it much worse.
Over the last weekend, my husband and I were pretty busy doing outdoors things. Since, when we are home, we are both pretty much couch potatoes, this was fairly unusual. We took the dogs and went on a drive up around Crouch, Idaho, so we could see some forest and maybe put our fishing poles into the water. It was a lovely day, warm and sunny, and seeing some trees was really refreshing for me. It was pretty crowded up there along the water because it was the 4th of July weekend, but we eventually found this secluded camp spot off the highway a bit. This site was perched way above the river, with a fairly steep climb down to the water. We decided to trek down there and sit by the water and let the dogs run.
vantage from the top of the hill looking down to the river. |
All was good and well until I had to leave and climb back up the hill to our truck. I made it about 3/4 up pretty easily but the reality of that last 1/4 way was making my lungs jump out of my throat.
I stopped 3/4 of the way up to take this photo. While it was a nice photo, I really was only trying to keep my heart from jumping out of my body. I didn't want my husband to worry, but I was so done. |
I made it to the top, with my husband giving me a hand up the last giant step, but I was totally exhausted, breathing so hard that I felt like it was difficult to find any air, and feeling fairly sick to my stomach. I had definitely done too much! And I find this very frustrating. When I was younger, I could have hiked that with no problem, even being overweight, but not anymore.
It really was a beautiful view. |
When we made it to the top, I asked my husband to unlock the truck, so I could get in and die. He was looking out over the view with the dogs and I was collapsed face first into the seat. He asked me to come over and look at the view, but I told him I just needed to rest. I was breathing so hard that I somehow inhaled a few flecks of dust (I assume) and that started a whole coughing fit that still bothered me into the next day. At one point on our drive home, not too long after we left the site, he had to pull over so I could get out and throw up too.
What a lovely adventure!
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