I have no idea what day this is following the Isagenix plan. How has it been going? Well, overall I would say it is going fine. I am not perfect with it to be honest and have had a couple episodes of unnecessary snacking in the evenings; nothing too out of control, but enough that weight loss hasn't really happened since my cleanse. Not that any of this is bad. I think it's real-life results. Even though my idea was to lose weight and am using it as a weight loss plan, therefore, a diet...that doesn't mean a lifestyle change wouldn't be indicative of maintaining too. Am I sick of drinking shakes 2 times a day? Sort of. I have to admit there is something satisfying of eating real food, chewing and enjoying all of that...but, once again, right now I am trying to lose weight so the sacrifice needs to be there too. And overall, I like the shakes. I think they have an ok flavor. I like them better than the protein shakes from post surgery that I lived on.
I have noticed this week that each morning when I weigh myself (and yes, I know that is excessive, but I do it anyway), that my weight has gone back down fractionally, but steadily. I think I am OK with that. I plan on doing another cleanse day or 2 next week. Mainly I have been following this plan each day:
First thing in the morning: Ionix - not a big fan of the flavor. Sometimes I drink it in hot water like a tea and that is pretty good. Sometimes I mix it in my shake, although I am not certain if that is Ok. Other times, I just mix it up in some water and drink it fast. It doesn't mix very well though and leaves some grit in the bottom. I think I may order the liquid next time and see if that is better.
Shake: After a bit, I blend up a shake in my nutribullet. It makes it thick like a milkshake. I usually just have plain water and ice in with 2 scoops. I often mix vanilla with chocolate or the strawberry. I don't think I will order strawberry again. It's not my favorite. They do have chocolate mint now, so I am pretty sure I will be purchasing that one. Sometimes I also add a chunk of frozen banana or frozen strawberries.
Snack: After a couple hours at work, I have a boiled egg. I have really been looking forward to the egg. It's such a complete food! Sometimes I also have about 1/2 of a sliced apple before lunch.
Lunch: Another shake. This one is a little less appealing because I am at work and don't have a nutribullet there, so I just shake it up in a shaker cup with cold water and a few ice cubes. It gets thick, but not like a shake. More like a glutenous sort of thick. Not as nice, but still Ok.
Snack: Sometimes I remember to have a snack in the afternoon, but often I am busy. If I do, it's usually a cheese stick or a few almonds. Or both.
Dinner: Food! I have salmon, or chicken or I even made some Asian Lettuce wraps this week. They were the bomb. I will try to remember to add the recipe to my blog.
Evening....this is where it can all go downhill. I want to snack. All day I have been good and on track and this is my snacking time. This is my downfall. But, I will keep trying and not choose bad snacks.
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