It's Wednesday, which means I am half way through my week. That makes me happy. Things are very busy at work and a lot of that is self-imposed because I am trying to fit in the entire month's requirements by this Friday. The main reason that I want to do that is because next week I am taking Thursday, Friday and the following Monday off. Possibly, my husband and I will take a trip to the Oregon coast, but that's still uncertain because of his work schedule, but even if we can't do that it will be great to have the time off.
Of course, next Wednesday I also see Dr. Sadaj again to hear the results of my sleep study. It's anyone's guess how that will turn out, but I will be glad to know so I can get over the mountain.
This morning I am eating my protein shake with water instead of milk. It tastes fine! I feel kind of bad because I am still making bad choices in the evening. Oh! And I had a team meeting yesterday and they brought doughnuts. You would think I could resist that? I have before, but since I am supposed to be good that's probably why I didn't resist. So, after that I came home from work and planned on not eating lunch and my son had made me lunch! So, very sweet of him, and I ate it. It was actually a healthy tuna fish sandwich and pear, but I wasn't hungry and ate it anyway. I resisted snacking the entire afternoon and when I came home after work, he had also made dinner. It was tacos...which is one of my favorite foods. I think though, if I break it down, it wasn't terrible. The tortillas were 90 calories each. The meat was actually ground turkey, and other than a sprinkle of cheese, the toppings were just lettuce, tomatoes and salsa. I take that back, there were olives and about a tablespoon of sour cream. And I ate 3, UGH! Actually, 2 1/2, because I was very much done at that point.
Needless to say, this "diet" thing isn't going great. But, this is another day!
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