Today starts a new day and another diet. Yes, I realize that we shouldn't refer to the decision as a diet...but quite honestly, it is a diet. I am giving myself an 8 week time frame to try and get myself into a better physical and emotional space than I have been for months. I needed some guidance though, and decided to allow Nutrisystem to be my guide for the next 8 weeks. I think this is a reasonable thing to do, my weight has been steadily climbing, and I am not one bit happy about it. Aside from the fact that I can't find a single thing to wear in the morning, and am obsessed all day and even into my sad little dreams at night about the state of my ever increasing waistline, it was time to force myself into something big and impactful.
Day #1 It's Monday!
The fresh start 7 day plan is where it all starts. I have done this plan before, a few years back, so I know what some of the food tastes like. Some is quite good and some is not. I noticed that what was included in the fresh start box was a lot of those familiar "unfavored" entrees. But I can do this. I can and I will! For breakfast I had my little bag of granola with 1/2 Cup milk. It's not too bad, actually. I remember liking it from before. I am working the late shift this week, so am sort of off track on when my meals are, and quite honestly, I think I might do some eating at my desk, but we'll see how it goes. A new feature of this plan is the protein shake. I don't look forward to drinking meals, however, this is considered a snack, so I added it to my blender with a few ice cubes and it was actually tasty. I drank that on my way into work. Now it is (what would normally be lunch time, but isn't) and so I ate 1/2 a cucumber that I had prepped this morning. Along with the entrees, I am required to eat at least 4 servings of vegetables each day. So, 1 veg down!
This schedule today is a challenge. I ate my bean soup around 2:00. It's 1/2 my lunch. When I go to my actual hour off, I will eat some more veggies and possibly take a short walk. I want to try and get at least 30 minutes in a day and have already walked 20 minutes earlier. So, another 30 minutes and I can go and finish lunch. I guess I will try and do the dinner entree during my last break of the day which is at 6:30. It only gives me a quick 15 minutes...but then, when I get off work at 8pm, I can eat the "snack" which I was assigned as well. I think that will do it for the food. Tomorrow, I will try to get this all more organized.
I thought I would pop in and give an update on how the process with Nutrisystem has been going. Week one went fine. There were a few days where my food choices were not the yummiest, but I tried my best to fix them up a bit and make them more palatable with spices or chicken broth. Additionally, some meals were just a protein bar, which tasted great, but not as satisfying as eating actual....well, food. But, I would add in a salad or something like that and it bulked up the meal. And to be honest, with my gastric sleeve from a couple years ago, I never felt hungry. I am now on Week 2, which is substantially more food than week one. I also have the options to eat their frozen foods, which make mealtime all the better. I also am eating 6 times a day, which means I have never once gotten hungry and in fact, have wondered if I even needed to eat that much. Of course, I was consuming a lot more calories before I decided to take on this new path, but the bulk feels more now. Probably because of the water, fiber and protein.
Now, for weight loss. Initially, in week one, the pounds were dropping pretty good. I think I ended the week down about 6.4 pounds. But, then, the day 1 of week 2 I was back up a pound. Insert unhappy face. But, I decided it was probably not enough water over the weekend and possibly too much salt added into bland foods. I decided not to be too concerned. I KNOW I am doing and eating exactly as outlined, so am not going to let it bother me too much. The scale still hasn't budged since Monday, but I was noticing, while on my walk during this morning’s walk, my pants are not as snug as they were a week ago. And THAT, is soooo great!!
So, that's the skinny!